Foods and Drinks:
There are dishes that are only in Quang Ninh. At once dining guests will remember their flavors forever if you try them. Wishing you delicous !
1. squid sausage

Cha muc Ha Long is good food in top 10 in Asia. Cha muc is made from fresh cuttlefish in the sea of Ha Long. They are round and naturally yellowed, spicy, savory from frying pan, sweet, rich in marine protein and freshness mixed with “promergrannates” cut from the squid fins and the beard is crumbly.
You can buy good quality Pearl milk tea at addresses:
Group 8, Van Lang, Hong Gai ward, Ha Long, Quang Ninh
Telephone number: +8466800993
687 Le Thanh Tong, Quang Ninh, Ha Long
Telephone number: 0904212835

You can buy good quality Cha muc at addresses:
No. 36 – 37 ripe food industry, Ha Long I market.
Telephone number:02033627219.
Ha Long agent 168 Tue Tinh, Thanh Son ward, Uong Bi, Quang Ninh.
Telephone number:0979010222 or 02033708888
2. Bun Be Be

Bun be be is a familar breakfast in Quang Ninh. It is the same of noodles that we still eat everyday. They have minor difference in processing as for Bun be be, the sellers will put bone tube strips into water and stew.
You can buy good quality Bun be be at addresses:
Mrs Ngan restaurant – 38 Doan Thi Diem, Bach Dang ward, Ha Long, Quang Ninh.
533 Nguyen Van Cu, Ha Long, Quang Ninh.
White bridge, Ha Tu ward, Ha Long, Quang Ninh.
Telephone number: 01662662347
3. Sa Sung
You can only find Sa Sung in Quan Lan island. The most popular dish is the fresh fry with garlic. Fresh garlic honors the sweetness of the wolf. In addition, the wand is very good if it is dried and roasted until the yellow color turns eye catching, get the taste of the sea.

You can buy good quality Sa sung at addresses:
Group 6, zone 1, Yet Kieu ward. Ha Long, Quang Ninh.
Kiyos 46 – 47, Ha Long 1 market, Ha Long, Quang Ninh.
4. Pearl milk tea

When you walking on the street and feeling tired, a cup of pearl milk tea will make you feel better. Pearl milk tea is loved by the Vietnamese. The mixture of hot coconut milk with pearl, warm sour and heavy cream has made the sweet taste of pearl milk tea.